
Wolf symbolism represents family, independence, and endurance. The wolf is a lone creature in many cultures, but they tend to be a symbol of togetherness for others.


What Does A Wolf Symbolize?


Since wolves depend on each other to survive and form deep bonds with the other members of their pack, they symbolize loyalty. Within a pack, wolves have certain roles based on what they are best suited for, as they want their pack to thrive.


Wolves are strong and powerful animals, and they also possess a high level of strength and endurance. Because of this strength and endurance, wolves are able to live in harmony with their natural environment.

The wolf can tell you to take a minute and ask yourself if you are currently living in harmony in your own environment and in your own body. If you find that you aren’t, think about exploring a new environment or try to find out what is hindering you from thriving.


Wolves are thought to symbolize trusting your natural instincts as they are not something to ignore. Wolves rely on their instincts in a way that humans don’t, as humans haven’t remained fully wild like wolves have.


Since wolves stay together in packs, they symbolize teamwork. Wolves tell you to make sure you have the right people, or team, around you. These are people who inspire you to do your best and support you in your endeavors.


Wolves are fiercely protective, despite being friendly and playful, which is in their nature. The animal will show this quality whenever a member of their pack is threatened in any way. Wolves are also protective of their pack, pups, and their territory.

Wolf Symbolism and Spiritual Meanings

Celtic Mythology

In Celtic mythology or folklore, wolves are thought to symbolize respect, guidance, and helpers. Wolves are high-value and important creatures in Irish and Welsh myths. In Celtic mythology, wolves are respected.

Cree Tribe

The Cree Tribe believed that wolves traveled back and forth between the spirit world and earth, specifically when the Northern lights were shining. The tribe is from the areas that are now Canada, North Dakota, and Montana.

Lakota Tribe

The Lakota tribe has positive opinions of the wolf. In this tribe’s legends, there would be details of a wolf teaching humans how to interact cooperatively and the importance of being loyal to family.

The Navajo

The Navajo feared the wolf since the wolf is a powerful animal, which comes from witch clans using the power of wolf power to upend the natural order. The wolf spirit was associated with supernatural powers. Therefore, they treated the wolf with trepidation. Because of this fear, wolves are also treated with respect.

Ojibwe Tribe

The Ojibwe tribes considered wolves to be an extended member of their family because of the strong connection the tribe had with this animal. They held the view that whatever happened to a wolf, would eventually happen to one of the members within the tribe.

Pawnee and Blackfoot Tribes

By other local tribes, the Pawnee were the “Wolf People.” Due to the powerful kinship with the wolf, the Pawnee tribe has a hand sign for “wolf,” which is the same hand symbol for the “Pawnee.” The Pawnee believed that the first creature to experience death was the wolf.

The Pueblo

In the U.S. Southwest, the Pueblo tribes considered wolves one of their six directional guardians. The wolf is the guardian of the East.

Quileute and Kwakiutl Tribes

The Quiluete and Kwakiutl tribes hold the belief that humans descended from wolves. These are coastal tribes from the United States and the northwestern parts of Canada who depict the wolf on their totem poles.

German and Norse

In Norse mythology, the Vikings viewed wolves as the most gruesome beast. Wolves embodied murder and slaughter as they were powerful beasts who would always emerge as the winner during a battle.

Japanese Culture

In Japan, the Ainu tribe strongly revered the wolf, and wolves were used in sacred ceremonies. Many artifacts recovered in the Usu area of Japan depicted wolves in the carvings.

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