
Sodalite crystals are blue and white gems similar to lapis lazuli. The main purpose of the sodium aluminum crystal is to grant clarity and focus on the truth.

Sodalite Crystals

If you have trouble speaking the truth or if you value honesty, sodalite is the stone for you. The true blue gem is beneficial to anyone who wants to let go of the false veil so common in the world.

Along with the positive ray of honesty that sodalite crystals offer, there is also a physical and emotional benefit to using them. From a healthier immune system to an increase in logical thinking, sodalite is a useful tool anyone may find solace in.

As one of the stones with the lowest silica and quartz content, sodalite is a unique gem. Find its purpose in your life today.

What is Sodalite?

Sodalite crystals are gems made of sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine, pyrite, and calcite mixed in. Blue is the typical color, but there is a variety of sodalite crystals.

Because of its dreamy blue color, it is sometimes mistaken for lapis lazuli, which is why it’s known as “poor man’s lapis.” What makes it different than lapiz lazuli is the specks of pyrite or calcite that create a white marble effect.

In Canada, sodalite may also be referred to as Princess Blue. The name is due to a trip to Ontario made by the British Royal Family in the 1890s.

Around 2600 BC, the Caral people of modern-day Peru traded with sodalite. From there, it spread into other areas of the world.

Types of Sodalite


Hackmanite is a popular variant of sodalite that lacks the blue shimmer. It is white with purple hues that fade over time. The stone is unique to some others in that it reacts to being under UV or fluorescent light.


Hauyne is an Italian and German sodalite that is often bright blue. The neon variant of sodalite, hauyne,  is common in jewelry.


Nosean is green or brown. Though it may be blue as well, it is the only green or brown sodalite crystal also reacting to fluorescent light.


Lazurite is blue in most cases though it may be green too. It is the only sodalite with limestone traces, but it is known for its deep royal blue coloring.

Sodalite Meaning

Sodalite means clarity and focus.  The crystal is named after the high sodium content within it. But the word sodalite also comes from the solidalitas, which means comrade.

How is Sodalite Formed?

Sodalite forms in rocks with low silica content. It is a rare gem that does not contain quartz and is sometimes a general term for a family of crystals.

Properties of Sodalite 

2V angle0-70°
Refractive Index1.483-1.487
Specific Gravity2.1-2.4
Mohs Hardness5.5-6

Healing Properties of Sodalite

  • Calms and reduces sensitivity – helps you become more open-minded about what others say and do
  • Reduces panic attacks – assists in reducing anxiety by granting mental clarity
  • Emotional balance – keeps your emotions in check and helps you think logically
  • Thrive – the crystal wants you to thrive in life, not just survive.

Benefits of Sodalite in Your Life


Sodalite has many physical benefits, including healthier lymph nodes and a boost to the immune system. But it specializes in throat health and weight loss.

For throat health, it prevents and keeps certain diseases and sicknesses under control. For weight loss, it does a good job of reducing water retention.


Sodalite crystals help you maintain emotional stability. They do this by encouraging balance and a logical thought process. The blue crystals also reduce natural aggression coming from within.


Spiritual clarity increases with sodalite use. It specializes in helping you speak the truth in a caring and compassionate manner. This improves diplomacy and helps you reach a higher purpose.

How to Use Sodalite 


During meditation, hold sodalite in your hands to increase your focus. Use it to express yourself emotionally and spiritually. Expect tingling to transition to clarity.

Feng Shui

Sodalite uses water energy in feng shui. It holds the power of rebirth and new beginnings. Using sodalite crystals in areas meant to bring calmness helps you reflect on the right topics. Place them in the north side of the room for best results.

Clear Your Aura

Clearing your aura with sodalite improves relationships. You carry emotional baggage with you that sodalite helps you get rid of in a healthy way. Speaking the truth and facing your feelings with the help of this crystal.

Where to Put Sodalite in Your Home

Sodalite works best in the office, bedroom, and meditation area. In the bedroom, sodalite offers many benefits associated with sleep and energy. In the office, use sodalite crystals warily as they boost energy and self-expression, which may result in an inability to keep your mind on the task at hand.

Is Sodalite Good for Sleep?

Yes, sodalite is good for sleep. It helps you sleep by removing counterproductive thoughts and replacing them with positive thoughts that are constructive and beneficial.

How to Care for Sodalite

Sodalite is sensitive to extreme temperatures, chemicals, and rough surfaces. Though not as soft as some crystals, it is important to take great care not to scratch it.

How to Clean Sodalite

To clean sodalite, use warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. Ensure that the stone dries well after washing, and do not use hot or cold water.

How to Charge Sodalite

To charge sodalite, place it in the moonlight. Another way to charge sodalite crystals is to use other crystals near it that absorb energy. The other crystals do need to be cleansed unless they are dispelling crystals.

Can Sodalite Be in the Sun?

Sodalite can be in the sun. Do not leave it in the sun all day or on hot days. But on mild days, an hour or two helps the sodalite a short, strong charge.

Can Sodalite Go in Water?

Sodalite should not go in the water for long. Because it is porous and low on the hardness scale, it’s important that it is not submerged in water unless immediately dried off.

Is Sodalite a Birthstone?

No, sodalite is not a birthstone. But it is connected to Sagittarius. Sodalite crystals help Sagittarius to speak their truths, control their emotions, and keep a rational mind.

Is Sodalite Expensive?

Sodalite is not expensive. It is a good replacement or substitute for lapis lazuli, a more expensive and high-end stone. The two share many of the same benefits, so sodalite is great for a budget pick.

Bad Effects of Sodalite 

  • High blood pressure
  • Inability to focus
  • High energy
  • Tingling

What Chakra Does Sodalite Help? 

Sodalite helps the throat chakra. The improvement to the throat chakra’s energy through sodalite appears as better communication, an ability to speak your mind, and interpreting what others say.

What Other Crystals Work Well with Sodalite?

Other crystals that work well with sodalite are aquamarine, agate, and rose quartz. All of these boost compassion and keep one calm.

Look for partner crystals to go with sodalite by finding those that help with compassion and kindness because sodalite has a weakness of harshness in tone. Though you mean well, speaking the truth must be done with tact and a kind heart.

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